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Your Olmsted Parks

The mission of Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy (BOPC) is to steward Buffalo’s historic Olmsted park and parkway system to benefit and to welcome all. The Conservancy works towards this through collaboration with community and strategic partners, advocating for quality parks for all, and enhancing the park system through beautification, maintenance and capital projects.

The vision of the BOPC is to create an exceptional park network for all of Buffalo through equitable access to beautiful, quality and thriving parks; restorative green spaces that support our people and respect nature and the environment; and joyful opportunities to play, create, commune and discover.

Support Your Olmsted Parks

Our supporters are the core of the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy. Your generous support allows our dedicated team to to steward Buffalo’s historic Olmsted park and parkway system to benefit and to welcome all. We count on your dedication to keep our parks beautiful, clean, and safe for all to enjoy, creating an exceptional park network for all of Buffalo.


What’s Happening in the Parks?

October 28, 2024

Unveiling of Inclusive Playground at Delaware Park

What’s Your Olmsted Story?

About the Conservancy

The Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy is the first nonprofit organization in the nation to manage and operate an entire historic urban park system that consists of 850 acres of beautifully designed parks, parkways and circles.

Our mission is to steward Buffalo’s historic Olmsted park and parkway system to benefit and to welcome all. Our vision is to create an exceptional park network for all of Buffalo.

Seal of the City of Buffalo
Seal of Erie County