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FAQ: Days Park Turf Restoration

By October 17, 2017October 23rd, 2017No Comments


This project aims to provide a beautiful and accessible green space for the neighbors and the community.Days Park Turf Restoration_Fall 2017

Q. What is the Days Park Turf Restoration Project about? This project’s goal is to restore the turf at Days Park for community use. It was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 was at the section of the park nearer to Cottage street. Phase two was at the section of the park closer to Allen. Each phase was to require six months to complete. However, the fence had to stay on longer during Phase 1 to allow for over-seeding at the sparse areas of the turf.

Q. What has been done to restore the turf? 

  • Aerated – Fall 2015
  • Brought in more top soil – Fall 2015
  • Reseeded – Fall 2015
  • Fertilized – Spring 2015

Q. Why does the park have to be fenced? It is fenced to allow the grass to germinate without getting compacted by foot use. New seedlings are tender and prone to damage.

Q. When is this project expected to complete? The project expects to complete in Spring 2018, and the fence will be removed.

Q. How can park users do to help keep the turf beautiful? Park users can help by firstly understanding that the grass requires time to get established. Some ways to avoid damaging the grass while it gets established are:

  • Stay off the grass as much as possible when it is wet
  • Use different areas of the park instead of heading to the same area each time
  • Use different walking routes to avoid creating a pathway
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